act 1 – welcome
“Hi (XXX) I am (XXX) thanks for joining me today!”
“Today I am going to show you a prototype of an app we have been working on. We have you in today for a brand new perspective so I encourage you to do lots of thinking aloud, and giving me your very honest opinion, you can’t hurt my feelings!” Â
“I’m going to start off by asking you a few general questions, then I will introduce our prototype, does that sound ok?”
act 2 – context questionsÂ
“What is your day job?”
“Sounds like you have your hands full! Do you have any hobbies that you like to do in your free time?”
“If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?”Â
“Do you enjoy eating out when you travel? (if so what cuisine is your favourite?)”
“Have you ever used a “travel” app before?”
act 3 – introduce prototype
~ bring out prototype ~Â
“Alright so, here is the prototype we are working on, now it’s only just a prototype which means we still have lots of work to do. This is why we are looking for your feedback, we are not in any way testing you, we are testing this (prototype), so there’s no right or wrong answer. I didn’t design this prototype so don’t hold back, you won’t offend me, and feel free to think aloud as much as you can!”Â
act 4 – tasks
“Can you show me how you would enable GPS settings so we can use the interactive map?”
~ quietly observe ~
“What do you think that toggle on the settings page does?”Â
~ quietly observe ~
“What would you enter in the form on this page? (post flight activities page)”
~ quietly observe ~
“Can you show me how you would enter flight details in the log?”
~ observe and encourage (mhm/aha!) ~
act 5 – debriefÂ
“At this point, what do you think about what you have seen?”Â
“Is there anything that jumped out to you that needs refinement?”Â
“Was there something you didn’t like about this app?”
“Do you think you would recommend this app to a co-worker/friend?”
“Thank you very much for your time and feedback today, it is very much appreciated!”Â
~ give them their incentive (eg. gift card) and dismiss them ~
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